
Hae/Hi Exhibits Designs Based on Friendship Between Seattle + Reykjavík

05.19.22 | By
Hae/Hi Exhibits Designs Based on Friendship Between Seattle + Reykjavík

Hae/Hi presents Designing Friendship, a collaboration of 14 designers from sister cities Seattle and Reykjavík presented during DesignMarch, which took place earlier this month. The exhibition, originally planned for DesignMarch 2020, reflects on works based on friendship, and the query of how first encounters illustrate personality and culture. Later this year, Design Friendship will go on display at The Nordic Museum in Seattle.

Trays by Seattle-based FIN for Hae/Hi

First conceived by a conversation between Seattle-based Darin Montgomery, founder of Urbancase and Fin, and Halla Helgadóttir, director of Iceland Design and Architecture, the exhibit represents this first encounter and asks, “How do we use our senses to acquaint and connect? What do we share and what are we curious to know?”

Participating designers consist of familiar names along with emerging designers from both sides of the world, the list includes: Agustav (IS), Amanda Ringstad (US), Fruitsuper (US), Gabriel Stromberg (US), Grain (US), Hanna Dís Whitehead (IS), Hugdetta & 1 + 1 + 1 (IS), John Hogan (US), Jonathan Junker (US), Ragna Ragnarsdóttir (IS), Ragnheidur "Osp Sigurdardóttir (IS), Theodóra Alfredsdóttir (IS), Weekend Studio (US), & Thórunn 'Arnadóttir (IS).

Trays by Iceland-based designer Theodóra Alfredsdóttir for Hae/Hi

Vessels by US-based studio Weekend for Hae/Hi

Container by US-based designer Jonathan Junker for Hae/Hi

Design by Seattle-based Grain for Hae/Hi

Designs by Seattle-based Fruitsuper for Hae/Hi

Design by Iceland-based designer Agustav for Hae/Hi

Mug by Iceland-based designer Hanna Dís Whitehead for Hae/Hi

Photos by Amanda Ringstad & MS Studios Reykjavik.

Leo Lei translates his passion for minimalism into his daily-updated blog Leibal. In addition, you can find uniquely designed minimalist objects and furniture at the Leibal Store.